Creating a picture book

Creating a picture book

Creating a picture book – the idea, the craft, the luck, the love

Today’s guest is an author, an illustrator and a designer of books. Her first book Colouroos published by Hachette, came out to wonderful reviews and her latest picture book titled, Anemone is not the Enemy, has just been shortlisted in the CBCA Book of the Year Awards.

Interview with Anna McGregor

Anna’s popped in today for a spicy taco and to talk about the craft of creating a picture book. Anna discusses the four elements – start with the idea, develop the craft, put everything out there and let luck play its part, and most of all, there must be a big sprinkling of love.

Resources Mentioned in today’s podcast:

Anna McGregor: To see more of Anna’s amazing illustrations, books and other creations, click here:

Anemone is not the Enemy: To read our full Taco’s review of the book, click here: Anemone is not the enemy

Scribble Publishers: To find out more about Scribble, click here:

CYA Conference: To find out more about the CYA Conference, click here:

CBCA: The Children’s Book Council of Australia. To see this year’s longlist of CBCA notables, click here: