Are you a horse?
I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this book. It’s one I read with by son Max a few years ago and picked it up again recently. It’s so silly, yet I laugh just thinking about it. I can’t get Roy’s dumb expressions out of my mind as he goes around asking everything he sees, ‘Are you a horse?’
I remember Max and I laughed at this book like no other
Sure, it didn’t hurt that we were in a silly mood to start. But, it was exactly the type of book I loved reading with Max in his preschool days. As I write this, I remember it so vividly, because as we turned to the last page, Max took a mouthful of lemonade which spurted from his nose. Of course, this made me laugh even more, which made Max laugh more, which made more lemonade spurt from his nose. Such a funny book that capped off some fun times. Thanks for the laughs and memories, Mr Rash.
It’s Roy the Cowboy’s Birthday
When Roy gets a brand new saddle for his birthday, he’s stoked. The saddle even comes with instructions: 1. Find a horse. 2. Enjoy the ride.
Problem: Roy doesn’t know what a horse is
So, Roy heads out to find a horse and try out his new saddle. He meets several things that aren’t horses, but they all give him clues as to what a horse looks like. However, after so many tries, Roy is about to give up, when along comes a horse.
This book is so funny all the way through. A must for silly kids of all ages!
Title: Are you a horse?
Author and illustrator: Andy Rash
Published by: Levine Books, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2009