Jo Panckridge CBCA President with some exciting news:

Jo Panckridge CBCA President

Book of the Year Shadow Judging

Today’s guest is the Victorian Branch President of the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA), a teacher librarian, and an advocate for getting kids involved in reading and writing.

She’s popped in today to chat about a very exciting program that gives kids a real voice in Australia’s premier book of the year awards.  

The CBCA Book of the Year Awards connect young people to great literature. During CBCA Book Week, we celebrate reading for pleasure and applaud our awarded books.

The Sun Project: Shadow Judging is an exciting addition to the annual calendar. The CBCA invite young voices from groups across Australia to join the conversation about the annual Shortlist and choose their own winners. They will be announced at the end of CBCA Book Week at the first ever Shadowers’ Choice Awards on the 26th August 2023

Creating a group of Shadowers’ is a powerful way to connect young readers with the shortlisted books in a safe space where their opinions and responses can be heard.

Interested adults, classroom teachers, teacher librarians, and public librarians are invited to take on the role of group facilitators to support these young voices in this exciting project.

For all the details and support, go to and get onboard today.


Book Giveaway

We’re giving away 2 copies of Barefoot Kids – your epic money adventure by the Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape.

Barefoot Kids book review

To be in the running to win, hit the subscribe button on the Taco Website and you’ll go into the draw to win. 

We’ll pluck out 2 lucky winners from our Taco Subscriber list next Monday 3rd April 2023.

Last Week’s Winner!

Congratulations to last week’s winner Carolyn Daly.

A 3-pack of Super Sidekicks  by Gavin Aung Than is heading your way! 

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