Everyday Wonders by Natala Graetz


Everyday Wonders book review


You are an everyday wonder, this is true,

simply by being so wonderfully, YOU!


There truly are all kinds of wonders in this book

The pages of this book are filled with everyday women, living everyday lives. They focus on their careers in work time, and in their spare time, they plunge into their passions.


Challenging the stereotype

What I love most about this book, apart from its diverse representation of characters, is that it’s not just focussing on each of the characters amazing careers, but also their passions outside of the workplace. It’s sending a message to all women and children, that they are everyday wonders simply by taking life on, doing what makes you happy, and living a well-rounded existence.


Everybody has a story

The rhyme is effortless and the rhythm a joy to read. Beautifully illustrated, there’s humour, heart, possibilities, and wonder on every page. This is a great book for young children to read and realise what it takes to be an Everyday Wonder.



 Author/illustrator: Natala Graetz

Publisher: Everyday Wonders, Australia, 2021


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