Making the books kids want to read
Larrikin House Publishing is passionate about making the books kids want to read. No preachy, teaching books with kind-hearted messages, just an entertaining story on a topic that hasn’t been done to death.
Interview with publisher, James Layton
Today’s guest is a publisher who’s passionate about getting kids reading by producing the type of quirky, funny books that kids want to read.
“It’s all about reading for the sake of a good story.” says James Layton, publisher of one the most forward thinking and fastest growing publishing houses in Australia. He’s popped in today to talk openly and honestly about his publishing house and what it is they’re looking for. He states clearly what he expects from submissions and the type of stories he wants to see.

Resources Mentioned in this episode:
Larrikin House Publishing: for all the news and information from these Larrikins, click on their website here: https://larrikinhouse.com/
Interview with Mary Anastasiou: If you enjoyed listening to James, check out our interview with Mary Anastasiou – Creative Director – at Larrikin House Publishing. Check it out here.
The Rascally Cake by Jeanne Willis and Korky Paul. Check it out here.
Larrikin Titles – Taco Reviews:
Walking Your Human by Liz Ledden and Gabriella Petruso
The Vampires Next Door by Sigi Cohen and Patrick Corrigan
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Thanks for sharing your fascinating journey to get where you are. Thank you especially for your candid comments regarding manuscript submissions. I have been ‘illo noting’ like a woman possessed. Your interview certainly made it clear what your publishing house requires and desires.
Very informative. Great Interview. Thanks.