Mr Impoppable with Trent and Brent

Warning: This book is impoppable to put down!

Today’s guests are the impoppable dynamic duo responsible for one of the quirkiest books of the year. With retro illustrations and original text, this book is impoppable to put down!

And, they’ve popped in today to share this book with us, along with their creative processes. So, sharpen your swords and train your ninja kittens to poke and scratch, but you won’t pop them. Please welcome, the incredible Trent and Brent.


Mr Impoppable Tacos Podcast review


Author: Trent Jamieson

Illustrator: Brent Wilson

Publisher: Larrikin House, Australia, 2023


Get along and meet Trent and Brent and help them celebrate this quirky and amazing picture book. 

Where the Wild Things Are:

Sat 10th June, 2023 between 4 – 5pm

The Quick Brown Fox:

Wednesday 28th June, 2023 at 10am

Write for Kids and get published!

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