My Mum by Chris Kennett


My Mum book review


We love our mums.

We all agree!

But what are mums?

Let’s read and see …


Mums are a little bit of everything

 Mums play such a pivotal role in a child’s life, it’s difficult to narrow down one thing a mum is. But Chris Kennett gives it a red hot go in this fun rhyming picture book that he dedicates to his own mum.

Apparently, Mum is everything from a camper to a go-kart ramper! Everything from a storyteller to a nappy smeller! Mums are snorers and picture drawers.


A tribute to Mum

 More than a tribute, it celebrates everything a mum is to a young child. The rhyme and pace of the book adds to the fun. Throw in Chris’s quirky, ultra-expressive and super colourful illustrations, and this a book kids are going to love reading aloud with their mums.



Author/Illustrator: Chris Kennett

Publisher: Scholastic Australia, 2022


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