Aaron Blabey Double – Doubly funny.
I thought I’d give a double dose of funny today, with two books from one of my favourite Aussie writers. And, if you love silly and funny like I do, you’ll love these two stand-alone books. You’ll love the way that the rhyming appears so effortless and simple and you’ll love that the stories are just such fun to read.

Piranhas don’t eat bananas
I love this book for the sheer silliness. What a crack up! Brian the Piranha comes to his mates with a feast of fruits. But, the other piranhas just won’t have it. “We are meat eaters, Brian!” They say. They are not interested in grapes, bananas or pears, they eat meat. Human meat mainly – knees, feet and even bums.
The illustrations in this book really add to the humour. I love the expression on the piranhas faces when Brian shows them his plums.
Brian’s piranha mates eventually try the fruit. They demolish an entire fruit platter with real piranha gusto, which Blabey’s illustrations capture so fantastically. But, did they enjoy it? Well, let’s just say the verdict is pretty darn funny!

Lou is BUSTING for the loo. But the loo has quite a queue. So what on earth is Lou to do?
Blabey makes rhyming seem effortless and simple in this book. He only has a few rhyming words to work with, yet he has come up with a very funny and relatable story of a boy named Lou who needs to use the loo.
Problem is: Poor Lou can’t find a loo, and he’s soooo busting!
There’s nothing worse than wanting to use the bathroom but you can’t find one. You feel Lou’s pain as he’s busting to use the loo. He even rushes to the zoo and tries to go behind a kangaroo. But, that doesn’t end well. What’s poor Lou to do?
Grab a copy now and find out if Lou gets to go. The illustrations and the great use of rhyme make this book funny all the way to the last page. The ending is a particularly good use of word play.
Author: Aaron Blabey
Publisher: Scholastic Australia