The Lucky Shack with Apsara Baldovino

The Lucky Shack with Apsara Baldovino

Today’s guest began her career in magazine publishing before moving into writing stories for children who dream of owning a real unicorn!

Apsara’s passion is to dream up memorable characters, experiment with perspectives and create books that will be treasured for years to come.

And, she’s off to an awesome start with her first picture book titled, The Lucky Shack, published by Harper Collins Australia.


Apsara loves learning and creativity and truly believes in the power of getting involved with the amazing kid lit community – whether through courses, associations, and conferences. And, she’s popped in today to share her writing journey with us, so please everyone go nuts and give a big round of applause to the wonderful, Apsara Baldovino.


The Lucky Shack with Apsara Baldovino


Author: Apsara Baldovino

Illustrator: Jennifer Falkner

Publisher: Harper Collins, Aust, 2023