Tune in please, it’s Zanni Louise

Tune in please, it's Zanni Louise

Today’s guest has been writing stories since she was knee high to Jiminy Cricket, growing up in country NSW. She now lives with her family of four in the Beautiful Byron Bay hinterland where she blogs, mentors, podcasts and writes the most amazing stories for kids including her latest book about a pig who just wants to fly.

Everybody, give it up please, it’s Zanni Louise!!!


Pigasus book review

Title: Pigasus

Author: Zanni Louise

Illustrator: Anil Tortop

Publisher: Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing

BOOK WEEK – talking school visits

with Amelia McInerney

First up today, with Book Week only a few days away, I thought it might be good to touch on school visits and what some of the expectations are.

So, to give us a rundown of her experience, please welcome a wonderful friend of the show, Amelia McInerney.  


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